Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Journey Begins: Ocarina of Time - The Great Deku Tree and Princess Zelda

Hello again! So I have begun my long journey, and I have started it with one of the most popular Zelda games, Ocarina of Time!

Even from the beginning of the game, I always have had quite a few questions that arise when I start a game. Like for instance, Why does The Great Deku Tree talk in Early Modern English when everyone else speaks in New English? Why don't we ever see fairies talk to each other when it is established they (or at least Navi) can speak? What was Navi doing before she was paired up with Link and why is she such a jerk to him right off the bat? Those are just a few of my concerns.

On the other hand, this was the first game to really get into the mythology of the Zelda series. I love the story of the 3 Goddesses creating the earth, but what made them think that leaving the Triforce on Earth was a good idea? That first time seeing the Great Deku Tree is always a slightly bit awe-inspiring somewhere deep down inside. Speaking of which, it is established that he is the creator of the Kokiri and the forest in which they reside, does that make him some sort of deity in his own right?

This brings back a whole new host of questions like are the Kokiri immortal? Do they reproduce? But they biggest question that floats in my mind the whole Deku Tree section of the game is Who the hell raised Link? No offense to Mr. Tree, but he can't exactly change a diaper and feed an infant. I figure it would have to be someone Link is still close to, someone who cares about him deeply and is very motherly. Someone like.... (puts on tinfoil hat)...Saria? Anyway, I pondered over this while tree dude told me to get in his giant mouth and fight things even though I'm a nine year old boy who has had all of 2 minutes of sword training.

 After going through and killing Queen Gohma and starting one of the few "collections" I've never finished (stupid Gold Skulltulas), I then was sent on my merry way to meet a Princess who may or may not know I'm coming. The sneaking into the castle was uneventful, although I noticed -perhaps for the first time- that the guards' helmet look like the Prussian army helmets. I find the princess, she tells me about Ganondorf and we agree to go kick some Gerudo King butt. Which I am always down for, but it does seem as though Zelda is stereotyping him a bit, and only using her dream as "evidence".

What, all Gerudo are thieves to you, Zelda?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who are you and What is this?


Those are both great questions! I'm Jen, and this is my blog that chronicles my adventures throughout the many video games I play. Whether it be fighting Ganon, shooting hookers, or grinding on the ol' anvil, you are going to hear about it. Well, in a way. This is more of an outlet for my thoughts, emotions, frustrations, and ponderings of the many video games I play. So it will be more to the effect of "Why am I shooting this hooker?" or "How many times do I have to save Peach before she buys a taser?" You get the jist, I am sure.

If you are a fan of long journeys, look no further! I do plan on going through entire franchises, when possible. For instance, first I will be playing the Zelda games! All of them. Except the CD-i ones, because everyone knows they never existed and were just a horrible mass-nightmare induced by too much caffeine and Lays while playing the actual games.

Some games will be old favorites, some will be my first time playing. Some have great graphics, others - not so great. Either way, I look forward to sharing this crazy thing called 'gaming' with you.